1. Create a new web application through central admin
2. Define a new "ssp/admin" manage path for the new web application created for SSP Admin site, ensure the new web application created that will host the new ssp admin site is selected and also specify "explicit inclusion" for type and "ssp/admin" for path, click "Ok"
3. Create a new site collection using SSP Administration site template
stsadm –o createsite –url http://{replace with your servername}:{replace with port}/ssp/admin -owneremail {owneremail} –ownerlogin {ownerlogin} –sitetemplate OSRV#0 –title “Shared Services Administration {replace with your ssp name}"
Following links doesnot work on newly created SSP administration site
- Published Links to Office Client Applications
- Trusted MySite Host Locations
- Personalization site links
4. Reason for this is for some reason underlying lists are not getting created when we use the stsadm -o createsite command to create new ssp admin site collection. Recommended using stsadm -o backup command to backup the current ssp admin site collection and use stsadm -o restore command to restore to newly created web application after which you can run stsadm -o editssp command to swtich the administration site to newly created web application. If the existing ssp admin site got deleted, you better hope there is a site collection backup available, otherwise you might end up having to provision new SSP.
5. Edit the SSP to point to the new ssp administration site
Stsadm –o editssp –title “{replace with your ssp name” –sspadminsite "http://{replace with your server name}:{replace with port}/ssp/admin"